Conservation Partners
We are proud to be part of a growing community of conservation organizations, which includes the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) and institutions that participate in global conservation field work.

AZA SAFE Monarch Program
San Francisco Zoo & Gardens is an institutional partner in the AZA SAFE Monarch Program supporting the conservation goals of the program to protect the iconic butterfly. The long-term goal fo AZA SAFE North America Monarch Program is to increase zoos’ and aquariums’ conservation leadership throughout North America in order to bolster habitat for migratory monarch butterflies. This critical action is needed to recover and sustain there butterfly populations, which are in steep decline, especially in the western US.
AZA SAFE Western Pond Turtle Program
San Francisco Zoo staff leads the AZA SAFE Western Pond Turtle Project steering committee and several of the project objectives. The long-term goal of the Western Pond Turtle Project is to to ensure the stability of remaining Western Pond Turtle populations and support healthy population growth and expansion within the species’ range. The program and its partners are implementing projects that directly address the threats impacting the species, including head-starting, reintroduction efforts and the formation of a range-wide conservation coalition throughout its range.
AZA Species Survival Plan (SSP)
We are pleased to participate in 82 AZA cooperative breeding programs which help conserve species. The Zoo contributes annual financial support to some SSP programs.
Earthwatch Institute
Earthwatch connects people with scientists worldwide to conduct environmental research and empowers them with the knowledge they need to conserve the plant. Our employees and volunteers have participated in Earthwatch expeditions for over 30 years as part of professional training opportunities offered to staff in all departments.
Jane Goodall Institute
The institute is a global community conservation organization that advances the vision and work of Dr. Jane Goodall. By protecting chimpanzees and inspiring people to conserve the natural world we all share, to improve the lives of people, animals and the environment.
Madagascar Fauna Group
Our continued support the Madagascar Fauna Group and Parc Ivoloina has grown to include not only financial support but also an advisory role with zoo staff elected to the Board of Advisors.
National Network for Ocean Climate Change Interpretation (NNOCC)
NNOCCI offers resources and training to help others strengthen their voices to increase our collective impact in promoting climate action. Our education staff are essential members of this important group and work as part of the team to conduct regular trainings to new members.
Polar Bears International – Arctic Ambassador Center
Arctic Ambassador Centers (AACs) are a collection of zoos, museums, and aquariums that educate the public about climate change and how we can help, and provide leadership for carbon-emission reductions in their communities. We are proud to partner with Polar Bears International to sustain a future for polar bears across the Arctic.
Snow Leopard Conservancy (SLC)
SLC builds upon traditional beliefs and empowers communities to benefit economically by maintaining a balanced ecosystem for the snow leopard. Using a One Health approach to improve livestock health and husbandry, and reduce retaliatory killings of Snow Leopards from depredation losses in Nepal. We partnered with SLC and International Veterinary Outreach in an effort to reduce the herder retaliation on snow leopards for livestock deaths. A Health and Husbandry Team, which includes zoos staff, is working to train Nepalese herders in improved livestock health and husbandry.
Wild Welfare
No matter how much conservation zoos do, questionable animal welfare at any zoo is a roadblock to each of us reaching our mission. We have created a partnership with Wild Welfare, a group focused on helping to bring up the welfare state of animals in non-accredited zoos, which will allow San Francisco Zoo & Gardens to join their efforts to positively influence animal welfare across the globe. The Zoo’s Integrated Animal Welfare Team, Animal Care Team and Education staff is sharing knowledge with South American zoos who seek to learn best practices by assessing, ensuring and messaging the welfare of their animals through site visits and training programs. A primary goal is to help currently non-accredited institutions seek accreditation that holds welfare to a high standard.
Above is a partial list and reflects SF Zoo contributions.