Restoring Native Habitat
Restoring Native Habitat is key to conserving native species. Learn more about how Zoo Crew is caring for San Francisco’s lakes.

Lake Merced Habitat Restoration
The Zoo Crew, a group of middle school youth volunteers, are the site stewards of the south end of Lake Merced. They remove trash, pull invasive plants, plant natives, monitor water quality, and conduct biodiversity surveys. The Zoo is a member of the Lake Merced Task Force, which supports the management and restoration of Lake Merced.
Mountain Lake Habitat Restoration
The pilot program, which ran during the spring of 2014, has resulted in an expanded Zoo Crew program. The volunteers now meet twice a month, once at Lake Merced and once at Mountain Lake.
Mori Point Habitat Restoration
Youth volunteers and Zoo staff participate in habitat restoration efforts in collaboration with Golden Gate National Recreation Area to benefit San Francisco garter snakes and the threatened California red-legged frog.
Click here for more information on our Teen Volunteer programs