Gardens of the Fisher Family Children’s Zoo
Butterfly Garden
Across from the meerkat and prairie dog exhibit is a wonderful butterfly garden. By selecting plants that caterpillars like to eat and flowers that adult butterflies are attracted to, we encourage butterflies to frequent this garden. Plants such as sticky monkey flower, pipe vine, seaside daisy, and California wild rose can be observed and, if you’re lucky, you may see a butterfly or two.
Fried-egg Poppy
The Romneya coulteri, also known as the “fried-egg poppy” thrives just inside the Children’s Zoo entrance. This California native can reach six to eight feet tall and blooms huge white flowers with a bright yellow center, resembling fried eggs.
Rose Garden
Near the rabbits and guinea pigs, across from the fried-egg poppy, a robust rose garden invites you to stop and admire. To add a bright splash of vibrancy to your walk through the Children’s Zoo, these colorful roses are joined by geraniums, wallflowers, and lily of the Nile.