Horned marsupial frog
Gastrotheca cornuta

Fascinating Facts
- Females carry eggs in a pouch on her back, and the young hatch as fully developed frogs, skipping the tadpole phase entirely.
- Fertilization is external; development takes 60 to 80 days.
- They have the largest eggs of any amphibian.
- Their upper eyelid has a triangular peak, giving them the “horned” part of their name.
- Chytridiomycosis (an infectious disease) and habitat destruction give this species endangered status.
Lowland, humid forests lacking disturbance, with occasional reports in palm oil plantations. They are nocturnal carnivores, feeding mostly on insects and other small invertebrates.
Status in the Wild
Endangered – IUCN 2008
South America, specifically: Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, and Ecuador
Location in the Zoo
Fish and Amphibians Zone of the Sculpture Learning Plaza